CPC Member Tele-Networking - Post-Leave Return to Work

  • 06/05/2015
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Conference Call


Registration is closed

Our clients face unique challenges when returning to work following a leave (e.g., maternity, parental, compassionate care, sabbatical, secondment, illness, disability). Challenges include workplace accommodations, disclosure, relationship management, role/position/workplace-fit, flexibility requirements, and re-on-boarding management. Life changes inevitably impact clients' careers, and the preexisting employment situation may no longer fit the new needs of the client.

Jennifer Mackey is an empowering career professional with experience in both private and public sectors in a variety of roles, including counselling, coaching, facilitation, assessment, and client service management. She's worked with hundreds of clients with diverse backgrounds and needs, from all ages and stages of career and life. Since 2012, she's been working with CareerCycles, a career management social enterprise using an evidence-based holistic and narrative method of practice.

We'll discuss these questions during our call:

  • What are the key differences between a post-leave return to work versus entering the labour market?
  • What specific challenges are faced by our clients when returning to work following a maternity, parental, or compassionate care leave? A sabbatical or secondment? An illness or disability?
  • What specific strategies can we suggest to our client to proactively manage post-leave return to work?
  • What  can we suggest to our client experiencing challenges following post-leave return to work?
  • How do we advise our client if their role/position/workplace no longer fits their needs?

This is a conference call. Long distance charges may apply.