Case Manager - Life Strategies Ltd.

  • 20/02/2013
  • Online
Highlights of this 4-week (10 hours per week) facilitated online learning course presented by Life Strategies Ltd.

Case management is a process that facilitates client access to appropriate services and supports. This course is designed to equip case managers to conduct needs assessments, conceptualize cases, prioritize client needs, collaborate with clients to develop action plans and select interventions, and follow-up to ensure clients have achieved their identified goals. The course will also provide tips and techniques for managing time, systems, and data including case notes and documentation, essential competencies for all case managers. 

The course format is 4 weeks online, 10 hours per week, but is also available, upon request, as a classroom-based or blended course (combining online and classroom formats). 

Admission Fees & Registration

For admission fees and to register for this course, please visit the website:

Please note that if you are a new student of Life Strategies Ltd., there is a requirement for a one-time new student application.  The fee for this registration is $35 CAD + HST.  To complete the application form, please visit the web page:

For further information, please call our Student Advisor at 604-856-2386, or e-mail: