Budgets and Business Plans - Life Strategies Ltd.

  • 23/11/2011
  • Online
Highlights of this 1-week facilitated online learning course presented by Life Strategies Ltd:

This course will present methods of budget creation and tracking for financial management of small businesses and contracts/projects. 

Participants will learn about tracking income and expenses, managing payables and receivables, and tax implications for the self-employed. 

Business plans, their importance, and what banks will be looking for in considering financing will also be discussed.

The course starts on November 23rd and runs until November 29th, 2011.

Cost: $209 CAD + HST

To register and for further details, please go to:

Please note that prior to enrolling in the course, there is a requirement for a one-time new student application with Life Strategies.  The fee for this registration is $35 CAD + HST.  To complete the application form, please visit the web page:

For further information, please phone 1-604-856-2386 or email: studentadvisor@lifestrategies.ca