CPE 510: Fundamentals of Psychometric Assessments

  • 02/03/2011
  • Online

This 30-hour course will be offered in a facilitated online classroom format. It introduces basic statistical concepts that are foundational to psychometric assessments (e.g., scaling, norms, frequency, correlation) and introduces factors that impact reliability and validity in test construction and use.

To qualify to purchase and administer “B” level psychometric assessments, individuals must have a university degree (preferably a Masters) and complete university level courses in tests and measurements and interpreting psychological assessments. This course (or a similar university-level course in tests and measurements) is one essential component in the process of becoming qualified to administer “B” level psychometric assessments. (Note: this course is a pre-requisite for “Psychometric Assessments: Selection, Administration and Interpretation of ‘B’ Level Tools”).

To register for this course please go to:

phone: 604.856.2386

email: studentadvisor@lifestrategies.ca