The National Job Fair & Training Expo is the leading recruitment event in the Greater Toronto Area, the largest and most comprehensive open to the general public in Ontario and the most influential in Canada. Candidates will find thousands of job, career training, education and entrepreneurship offers in Ontario, across Canada and abroad, plus career services. This is a key place where job seekers and individuals interested to advance their career meet face to face with recruiters, admission officers and career development specialists in a common interest where one needs the other. It is where qualified, experienced and motivated candidates go: 172,400 visitors to date, an average of more than 10,000 attendees per event, Ontario’s highest attendance in the field. Visitors will find the largest number and a great variety of organizations under one roof, offering value for everyone. The National Job Fair & Training Expo has a proven track record of being the top quality event for almost a decade with 17 successful events in Toronto and enjoys an enviable reputation across Canada. The candidates are targeted individuals (not individuals passing by randomly from their comings and goings), which adds value to the event. The National Job Fair & Training Expo is an event you can trust, an event organized by an event management team which has 38 recruitment events to his credit. In 2010 alone, organizers welcomed 83,000 visitors, 474 exhibitors and 30 sponsors and partners at 5 recruitment events presented in Toronto and Montreal.