INFO SESSION - CPC's Certification Programs

  • 12/01/2011
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)
  • Teleseminar


  • This event takes place virtually using a bridge telephone conference line. Long distance charges may apply.

Registration is closed

Are you considering applying for CPC ‘Strategist’ Certifications?  Would you like to learn more about the self-study guides, the testing process, or our optional 4-week preparatory teleclasses?

CPC’s Certified “Strategist” designations are an excellent way to enhance your own resume and add to your credibility as a Career Professional.  And, this January, our Executive Director Sharon Graham and Certification Chair Wayne Pagani are hosting a teleclass special feature to answer all of your certification questions.

Whether you’re considering your Certified Resume, Interview, or Career Strategist designation, we invite you to join us for this special session to learn more about these programs and the upcoming 4-week preparatory teleclasses.

More information about CPC’s certifications is available here. Be sure to register right away to get the inside scoop on CPC certifications.

What is tele-networking?

*Long distance charges may apply.