CPC Member Tele-Networking - Resume Rules

  • 06/04/2016
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Conference Call


Registration is closed

Resume advice abounds. 

A quick internet search brings up more than 79,000 entries on the topic of "resume rules."

Rules - as in do's and dont's - can conflict and confound. These may relate to language, format, length, contact information, amount of detail, and methods of sharing.

Join your peers to explore which rules make sense and which might best be broken or bent a bit!

Stephanie Clark has owned New Leaf Resumes since 2007, shortly after achieving her first Career Professionals of Canada's certification. Now a Master Certified Resume Strategist with several Awards of Excellence, she serves clients from around the world, focusing on Canadians or those who are emigrating to Canada. 

Stephanie has broken a resume rule - the one that states "don't use the first person pronoun 'I' in a resume" - with great results. The resume won an award and the client landed a great position.

Consider these questions for the call:

  • What are your resume rules "pet peeves"?
  • Those who have written resumes for some years, share with us which rules you've seen fall away?
  • Which so-called rules have you ignored and what was the effect?
  • Do your clients question your strategy according to resume rules they have read or heard about? How do you respond?
  • Which rules do you think will soon be obsolete and why?

This is a conference call. Long distance charges may apply.