CPC Member Tele-Networking - Working with Clients Who Stayed Home to Raise their Kids

  • 03/02/2016
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Conference Call


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How do you help parents re-entering the workforce?

Both men and women are now taking time from their careers and the labour market to stay home with their kids. 

Career gaps range from a couple years to upwards of 20 years.

This can result in many obstacles for those parents, from gaps in the resume, to no longer knowing their place in the labour market. When the time comes for them to jump back into the competitive job market they find themselves confused, insecure and feeling hopeless. But we can help.

Lee-Anne Lefebvre is the owner of Employ Moms First where she exposes employment myths and provides the formula for re-entering the workforce. As a mother who stayed home for six years to raise her boys Lee-Anne is all too familiar with the need to redefine herself and find her place in the labour market. Lee-Anne holds her Bachelor of Education Degree and is a Registered Rehabilitation Professional and member of Career Professional of Canada.

Consider these questions for the call:

  • A major concern coming from being home is how to “balance” it all. How do you coach clients to create that balance?
  • How do you teach your clients about changes that have taken place while they have been home and what they need to do to make to "make their mark" in the highly competitive job world of today?
  • What steps do you take when clients feel "punished" for staying home (i.e. Lose hope and can’t find their place in the new labour market pool)?
  • How do you help client to focus their career search?
  • What steps do you take to close the gap in client’s resumes?

Join this conference call by phone, webcall, or Skype. If you opt to call in by phone, you will be provided with a local number (within Canada). Depending on your phone service, long distance charges may apply.