Michelle Precourt


Mindful HR Services


Member profile details

First Name
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Business Name
Mindful HR Services
British Columbia
Personal Photo
Job Title
HR Consultant | Work-Life Strategist

Contact Details

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Instagram @michelleprecourt
  • Work-Life Support
  • Interview Support
  • Résumé Support
Profile Text
I want you to have a good understanding of what you want for your future. For some, it will simply be the desire to do something different. For others challenging work experiences, lack of work life balance or differences in leadership styles may be the impetus for a change. Understanding these situations and recognizing feelings associated with those experiences will provide awareness. It is this awareness that I would like us to tap into. This will be key to finding a challenging work environment that also provides you with a sense of fulfillment. Everyone wants to contribute in a meaningful way. It is my intent to support you in finding employment that provides meaning and purpose.

With a demonstrated history of working in aviation and healthcare I became skilled in recruitment and selection, coaching, facilitation, labour and employee relations, and psychometric and other recruitment related testing and measurement tools.

It was through my 15-year experience as a recruiter in fast paced dynamic environments where I built trust among those I worked with. I had the privilege of recruiting for diverse positions including nursing, IT, engineering, finance, administration and all levels of management. I witnessed both prepared and unprepared job seekers. This experience also allowed me to recognize what employers are seeking in today's world.

I am a Chartered Professional in Human Resources(CPHR)in the province of British Columbia. This a nationally-recognized Canadian symbol that an HR practitioner meets specific professional criteria, keeps current in the field and adheres to a professional code of ethics. My history with interview coaching originates from training in the Development Dimensions International (DDI) Targeted Selection Interviewer program.

I am also very passionate about yoga. Over the years, I studied various yoga and meditation styles and found these modalities a good way to decompress from personal and workplace stressors. In 2017, I became a certified yoga instructor and followed this with a meditation training in 2018. I learned much about what I know about mindfulness from my yoga and meditation teacher training and my personal practice.

Meditation provides benefits like calming the nervous system, regulating breath and allows us to focus. These are key benefits to job seekers and facilitates greater workplace success. When you are calm and focused, you can demonstrate your best self. I blend these seemingly different professions; human resources, yoga and meditation into my work as a work-life strategist and HR consultant.

CPC Certifications