PROFESSIONAL MEMBER Tele-Networking - Personality Type and Career Development

  • 04/02/2015
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Conference Call


Registration is closed

The topics of introversion and extroversion have been getting a lot of attention recently, but personality type theory is nothing new to the field of career development. Career practitioners have been utilizing behavioural tools and strategies with clients for decades.
Lotte Struwing, founder of Lasting Solutions will be leading this session. A Certified Career Strategist (CCS) with over 20 years of HR, coaching, and business experience, Lotte applies her understanding of human behaviour to make a difference in her clients’ lives.

We'll discuss these questions:

  • What cues do you look for in determining your client’s personality type?
  • How do you support introverted clients in career development?
  • How do you help extraverts in their career development?
  • Do you take your client’s personality type into account when assigning them “homework?”
  • What impact does your own personality type have on your work?

This is a conference call. Long distance charges may apply.


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