PROFESSIONAL MEMBER Tele-Networking - Youth and Older Workers

  • 03/09/2014
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Conference Call


Registration is closed

The world of work is changing dramatically. It is becoming increasingly evident that there is a profound mismatch between the Canadian labour market and career opportunities for new entrants. At the same time, our workforce is aging. A growing number of people in the labour market are choosing to work rather than to retire. This creates challenges at both ends of the spectrum.

CPC member, Esther Schvan will be facilitating this event. A highly effective communicator, Esther's expertise is Generational Diversity. A sought-after keynote speaker and presenter at major conferences, she has developed a reputation for high energy, positive attitude and contagious enthusiasm. Passionate about inclusiveness, Esther speaks seven languages and has lived on three continents.

Consider these questions for the call:

  1. What challenges might be created when youth and older workers are participating in the same labour market?
  2. What will it take for youth to succeed in today’s workplace? How can we help?
  3. How can we help older clients understand their worth as highly experienced professionals?
  4. What is our role in eliminating societal and cultural discrimination against each group?
  5. How can we bring awareness and mitigate potential challenges for both groups in the future?

This is a conference call. Long distance charges may apply.


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