PROFESSIONAL MEMBER Tele-Networking - Creating a Profitable Career Service

  • 07/11/2012
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Conference Call


Registration is closed
An entrepreneurial career service is an ideal business choice for some practitioners. If you are thinking about starting a small independent business or want to generate more income through your career service join us for this interactive session.
This month's call will focus on sharing ideas about starting and building a profitable career service.

Consider these questions for the call:

  1. Is it feasible to earn a reasonable income with a small independent career service?
  2. How should I structure my business for optimum results?
  3. What are the best ways to market my business?
  4. What is the typical rate charged in the Canadian marketplace?
  5. How can I grow my business in the long-term? 

What is tele-networking? Find out here:

This is a conference call. Long distance charges may apply.

Working Together for Career Success!

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