Advanced Résumé Development Course (CDP-105) - Instructor: Gabrielle LeClair

  • 09/09/2024
  • 27/09/2024
  • 3-Week Instructor-Led Online Course
  • 13



Join us for Advanced Résumé Development. This is an intensive 3-week online certificate course. Help your clients capture attention with strategic, customized résumés.

Provide custom résumé support services based on each individual’s background, objectives, and needs. 

You will boost your confidence and talent in strategic résumé development. By participating actively, you’ll enhance your tactical résumé and cover letter writing skills. You will develop your competency in résumé writing mechanics. You will learn the most current résumé formatting and design techniques. During this process, you will update your own résumé to the most current industry standards. And you will position yourself to earn more as a professional résumé strategist. If you are serious about advancing your résumé competencies within the scope of career development, or if you would like to be granted your Certified Résumé Strategist (CRS) designation in the future, you will discover that this program is designed to help you achieve your goal.

Advanced Résumé Development (CDP-105) presents advanced strategic principles and technical practices for the development of résumés and cover letters for the Canadian market. These principles and practices will develop your range of expertise in strategic résumé writing. 

This is a fully-facilitated, part-time 3-week online course.

  • You participate in the online class and complete daily assignments on your own schedule.  
  • You have full access to all course material, videos, quizzes, forums, and assignments at any day and time during the course. 
  • You work along with other students in the class and participate in group discussions. 
  • Your course instructor is available weekdays to review your progress and answer your questions.


Demonstrate a personal commitment to lifelong learning and ongoing professional development.

  • Earn 45 hours towards any Continuing Education Units (CEUs) you require.
  • Work towards your Certified Résumé Strategist (CRS) credential.


IMPORTANT: CPC courses fill up very quickly and we often have a waiting list. To reserve your spot, you must pay for the course in full.

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