CPC Member Check-In Meeting

  • 14/04/2020
  • 28/04/2020
  • 3 sessions
  • 14/04/2020, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (EDT)
  • 21/04/2020, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (EDT)
  • 28/04/2020, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (EDT)
  • Zoom Meeting


Registration is closed


CPC members, we understand that in the constantly evolving and challenging environment created by the COVID-19 virus, you and your clients may be feeling increased levels of stress. Your clients' reliance on you may intensify. We would like to give you a safe place to share your concerns and talk them out with your peers.

While we are not medical experts, CPC is about community and we want to support you as best we can.


  • Member check-in.
  • 5-7 minute grounding exercise. 
  • Round table discussion focusing on:

    1. Supporting each other.
    2. Supporting our clients.
    3. Working remotely.

This CPC tele-networking event is a facilitated discussion between members of Career Professionals of Canada. The sessions is conducted via Zoom Meeting (video optional). To join us, you will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with camera, microphone, speakers, and headphones (optional). Joining the Zoom Meeting is as simple as clicking on the link provided in your registration email. If you prefer, you can join us by conference call on a phone line instead. The choice is yours.

Working Together for Career Success!

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