Have your commas gone wild? Is your grammar unruly? Do semi-colons frustrate you?
Are you positive about your use of capitalization, numbers, parallel sentence structure, use of quotations, and all those tiny details that make or break written communications?
Incorrect grammar can have disastrous results, such as changing the meaning of a sentence, negating a claim to being “detail-oriented,” and knocking a job hunter from a viable candidate to a liability.
Earn your claim as a writer who respects grammar rules: register now for this CPC, self-marketing document-specific grammar refresher.
CPC Member, Stephanie Clark will be leading this session.
Consider these questions for the call:
1. Which sentence is correct?
2. Which sentence is correct?
3. Which meaning is correct?
4. Which use of numbers is correct?
5. Which sentence is correct?
This is a conference call. Long distance charges may apply.
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