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Patricia Mosca

Certified Interview Strategist (CIS)

Career Path Consulting


Member profile details

First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Career Path Consulting
Stoney Creek
Certified Interview Strategist (CIS)

Contact Details

Company Logo
  • Interview Support
  • Résumé Support
Profile Text
With over 17 years of recruitment experience, I have reviewed thousands of resumes over my career and interviewed hundreds of candidates! I know what a strong resume looks like, how recruiters shortlist candidates and how
hiring managers assess candidates.

The job market is highly competitive, there is a large pool of highly qualified talent available. My services help my clients stand out. I’m committed to providing my clients with the help they need to transform their resume, broaden their job search, prepare for professional interviews and beyond.
Career Path Development offers full career life cycle support. My primary goal is to support my clients through each career challenge and change.
Your career path is important to me.

CPC Certifications


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Your Sector
Private Sector (Single Proprietor, For-Profit Business)

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