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Lynda Reeves

BA (Psych)

Added Value Resumes


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Added Value Resumes
Wasaga Beach
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Job Title
Principal (Retired)
BA (Psych)

Contact Details

  • Résumé Support
Profile Text
Lynda Margaret (Reeves) is a re
business owner, career consultant, resume strategist, and business documentation writer. She has a history of more than 20 years of added value experience in human resource consulting, coaching, and training in Ontario.

From 2004, Lynda was an active CPC volunteer on the Advisory Board and CRS certification committee. She held a number of other roles including proofing and editing the eNewsletter.

Lynda is a published writer and contributed to newsletters and media in a wide range of topics. Currently based in Saskatchewan, she was also the first professional Master Certified Résumé Strategist in the Canadian Prairies.

Over the years, she was nominated for - and presented with - a number of CPC Awards of Excellence. Her awards include Outstanding Resume Contributor in the Career Change category and Outstanding Volunteer Contributor.

A management coach and prior True Colors™ facilitator, Lynda taught Team Building and Leadership courses for Conestoga College at the Kitchener and Waterloo campuses. She also developed and facilitated in-house courses on time management, procedure documentation, and customer service. Lynda was also a project coordinator, Problem-Based Learning facilitator, and Résumé Workshop leader at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

Lynda's earlier career included being a Registered Nurse for many years. She was also a Project Coordinator, HR Consultant, and Process Improvement Facilitator at a National insurance and investment company's head office.

CPC Certifications


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