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Gayle Draper

CHRL, Canadian Human Resources Leader | Forbes Coaching Council | Certified Resume Writer, Job Developer, and Career Strategist and LinkedIn Profile Writer

Intentional Careers and Human Resources


Member profile details

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Business Name
Intentional Careers and Human Resources
Personal Photo
Job Title
Career Strategist | Job Search Specialist | Resume and LinkedIn Profile Writer | Interview Coach | Outplacement | Speaker |
CHRL, Canadian Human Resources Leader | Forbes Coaching Council | Certified Resume Writer, Job Developer, and Career Strategist and LinkedIn Profile Writer

Contact Details

Company Logo
Intentional Careers and Human Resources
  • Career Support
  • Work-Life Support
  • Interview Support
  • Employment Support
  • Résumé Support
  • Other Career Professional
Profile Text
Following twenty years of success in a career focused in providing government funded Employment Services; Gayle has brought forth her employment counselling, job coaching, and facilitation skills into her own business. Intentional Careers and Human Resources offers a robust menu of services including career and job search strategies, outplacement, mentoring programs and customized corporate training.

A dynamic member of the Forbes Coaching Council and regularly published by Forbes for Career focussed articles that are intertwined with HR's perception, perspective, and position.

She is considered the resume queen by her colleagues, a specialist in shining the right light on the amazing gifts our seasoned workforce has to offer while balancing that strength working with youth, who are developing their career plans and securing their first job after graduation.

She matches Mentors and Mentees for the mentoring program for the Human Resources Professional Association, a Youth Entrepreneurship mentoring program for the Small Business Enterprise Centres and a pilot project for the Simcoe County District School Board and the Ministry of Education.

One of Gayle’s greatest joys is helping people and she can always be found coaching people through employment transitions while they find their way through to the next incredible opportunity.

Gayle is a true people person, who believes life is just like Spirograph. Choose coloured pens and shapes you enjoy, so that you may create interesting intersections of people and experiences, which result in memorable relationships, career, and life experiences.

CPC Certifications


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