Profile Text
Career Transition Consultant & Resume Writer, Workshop Facilitator, Employment/Career Content Writer - I'm a Career Transition Specialist, with a background in HR and Recruiting, which has allowed me to design my own unique Career Transition & Change system that HR Managers love! I spent 8 years working with the military to help them transition to a civilian career, and now, in addition to my private practice, I am a Preferred Provider with a large N. American Employee Assistance Provider (EAP). I'm very familiar with the modern workplace and all its issues. I love helping people reinvent themselves into something that matches their dreams and goals more fully. Even what I call pre-retirees -- those who are too young to fully retire but want a more flexible, enjoyable means of generating anywhere from a little to a lot of income. I'm also a Myers-Briggs Certified assessment administrator. And if you're interested in starting a side-gig or working online, I've got a ton of ideas and ways to help you step into the new way or working! It's easy for me to work with you either online or by phone. I look forward to getting to know you and helping you find/create a career (of any type, size or shape) you love!